
The simplest way to build GRUMMP is this:

  1. Download the latest tarball from
  2. Unpack the tar ball:

    tar -zxvf GRUMMP.tar.gz
  3. Go to the directory that tar just created (this includes a version number; the tar output will show you what to use).
  4. Run configure.

    1. If you have CGM installed, tell configure where it is using -with-CGM-path=/path/to/CGM. If you don't have CGM installed, GRUMMP will do its best to download and configure it at this point1.2, then build it when you run make later. This auto-build may fail for some systems where downloads require special magic; if you hit this, then download and build CGM yourself first.
    2. To enable support for the ITAPS mesh interface, specify -enable-itaps
    3. Other standard configure options apply, as well as some GRUMMP-specific ones. Use configure -help or read the rest of this document for more information.
  5. Run make, then make test to confirm success.
  6. To install the libraries and executables, run make install.